Monday, August 17, 2015

An Introduction That's Not About Yoga as Much as it Probably Should Be...


Hope everyone is having a good last week of freedom before classes begin. This is my yoga blog for my BIC Examined Life 3 course, where you're free to follow along with me as I explore yoga, the practice I've heard so many good things about, and the philosophy and readings surrounding it.

There's no real reason for the picture above, but this is the introduction post for my blog, and that means I can do almost whatever I want. Ergo, enjoy this exceptionally happy, cat-bun thing.

It's one of the many things I've heard friends try and enjoy but have never moved past my laziness to try for myself, but now is the perfect opportunity since I'm taking a course that completely revolves around it! Cool thing is that I have a Relaxation Fitness course right before this class, so if I'm not a relaxed, flopping, flexible little noodle of a person by the time this is over in December, I'm going to be sorely disappointed. At least I'll have my own yoga mat to prove to the nonbelievers that I am in fact doing something physical.

I'm honestly very interested in giving yoga a try, though, because I stress enough on a daily basis to need it. Trust me. I'm graduating in December. At this point, trying it couldn't make things any worse. Plus, the little bit of exercise and education about yoga and how it came about that I'm hoping to get on top of that intrigues me. We got six books for this class, so we're definitely going to be learning some things. I can't say I know much about yoga at all, so at this point I don't have a lot to add on the subject other than I'll be glad when I do have a lot to add on the subject...
I think I'm about as flexible as a hardcover book, too, so this'll be fun for everyone watching me.

I'm glad that this is a BIC class, because I've been able to enjoy every BIC class I've had so far and the people in it (Even Rhetoric and Natural World). Why not spend the last BIC class trying out something good for me that I could end up really liking?

So anyway, long story short, I'm excited to get started and see how it goes and see what I can learn! I'll be back on to post more soon, with all the reflection, happiness, and pointless groaning I can humanly provide!

1 comment:

  1. Hi LIn, I'm actually not seeing your name on the roll for class, but happy to have you and your enthusiastic spirit on board.
